Me Bus Nawathuma

Produced By

Punsiri Soyza

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Me Bus Nawathuma Lyrics

Me Bus Nawathuma Lyrics English Translation

This is the bus stop
Every day before
I know how we met
That I was alone
That you said goodbye
I don’t know the bus stop anymore

I was waiting for you in the evening
He was right here
The same ride in the same car
I remember the hands on the seat
Still back then

Love is over, I am alone today
Boarding a car from here
Someone with you in the same car
He sits in the next seat

Me Bus Nawathuma Lyrics English Meaning

The lyrics describe a bus stop where the singer used to wait for someone they were in love with. They remember how they met at the bus stop, and how they were once together on the same ride, holding hands on the seat.

However, the singer acknowledges that their love is over and they are now alone. They see someone else sitting in the same car with the person they used to love, highlighting their feelings of loss and heartbreak.

The repetition of “the same ride in the same car” and “someone with you in the same car” emphasizes the singer’s sense of familiarity and closeness to the person they used to love, which now only adds to their pain.

Overall, the lyrics convey a sense of nostalgia and longing for the past, as well as a sense of loss and heartbreak over a love that has ended. The bus stop, once a symbol of hope and possibility, now only serves as a painful reminder of what has been lost.



Produced by

Punsiri Soyza

Written By

Punsiri Soyza




Punsiri Soyza


Me Bus Nawathuma | Punsiri Soysa | sinhala songs | Sri Music

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