Dennam Man Ada

Produced By

Bandula Wijeveera

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Release Date

Dec 16, 2022

Neinage Suduwa Lyrics

Neinage Suduwa Lyrics English Translation

First, I worship Buddha and remember that virtue
Secondly, the great summit of Saddharma is worshiped here
Thirdly, bow down to Maha Sangharatna and give thanks to Suran
It is said that we turn Neina’s gambling into poetry and fiction

Sirin Sapiri is our blessing to the English kings
They took care of us without directly giving it to us
Hamba Hetti came from outside and went to Kolong Pura
Among them was a person named Neina Thambi

Details of Neina Unnu House in Sodhin Masan Gus Handi
It is seven stories high and about the same
Gambling is strictly there and the officer comes often
Friend, the government is also afraid to catch Paninda

It was said that Kotalawala was a hero
He who works thoughtfully goes by the name of John
Got a teaching position and then went to Raillu
I tell him line after line what he did at that time

Bribe the police to win the jackfruit junction
No one can touch Neina Thambi Sudu Keli
The government was also happy and became like a king
Sergeant Major Kerua to Kotahene Police

Go along and kill twelve policemen
Hurry up and put on the kamba sarong and scarf today
To the gambling market where they were asked to give money
What happened after that was amazing

Take the bed and tie a white vetti and a jata around your head
Take it and turn it into a Tamil Hetti
He took a bag and put notes in it
We got into a rickshaw and went to Vigaha

Seeing that this is not Hetty’s brother, it was good to shake things up
“Come to Kariyam Wanda Du Sangadi Sollu M Bomata”
“Nauvandadadu Wilayattu Tupankara Onda Kitta”
So he said “wow” and went inside the house

It’s not when you go up seven floors to that gambling hall
A goat like a bull came and jumped to Matidu and others
“Wa sen” said Neina the goat followed the command given
After knowing all these secrets, you will go to the betting market

It’s amazing to see that gambling ground of Mahatuni Neina
Chandia is the Jong Goi of the silk garden
As soon as he took Dinan’s hand, Mathindu held him
Jong stood up asking if he was a Tamil from where

At that time Matinda took the money and money
A single hair among the elephants to make the lion sing
I know you are here in Kotalawala when you said
Mai was singlehandedly arrested and arrested

While running away, Chandi Jong took a knife and attacked Anin
The mother of the bow drank a pint of red milk from her mouth
I couldn’t even stand up when the dead urine came out
Then came the goat and ran away to Mathindu and others

No matter who you can escape from, change from the goat
Vegen jumped in front of Matinda
You also come here calling me a bully
A left leg was broken in the back

So Vijaha asked if she was dumb
Ating Paing is not here, here are the seven channels for the pistol
Ganing said this but did not get fired thanks to Matindu
Munin Veuni Neina Thambi fell to the death blow given by Mother

One thousand and ten rupees each for others
Many of them could not pay the fines and seven others
After paying seventy, they were all out
It is true that we want to offer flowers to these heroes

Come along and give those seven to the field of Kehel garden
As a father, give them to avoid evil
I gave it twice each time, my friend, to remember it
No matter how much it hurt, they hit Matindu

One word cannot describe the skills he did
It is good to have history to always remember
If he had, he would rule Sri Lanka until today
He is too much for our purpose

Neinage Suduwa Lyrics English Meaning

The lyrics you provided seem to be in a mix of Sinhala and Tamil languages, and it appears to tell a story about a person named Neina Thambi who is involved in gambling and criminal activities. The lyrics mention various characters and events, including a goat that follows commands, a knife attack, and a fatal blow given by someone named Mother. It is difficult to determine the exact meaning of the lyrics without further context or cultural knowledge of the references and language used.



Produced by

Bandula Wijeveera

Written By

Dayananda Gunawardana






Neinage Suduwa (නෙයිනගේ සූදුව) Madura Jawanika

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